Publications and Presentations
Stellar Imager publications (PDF)
- The Stellar Imager Brochure
- The Stellar Imager (SI) Mission Concept, Carpenter et al., in Proceedings SPIE meeting in Waikoloa, Hawaii, August 2002.
- Metrology and Pointing for Astronomical Interferometers, Phillips et al,, in Proceedings SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, June 2004.
- The Stellar Imager (SI): A Revolutionary Large-Baseline Imaging Interferometer at the Sun-Earth L2 Point, Carpenter et al., in Proceedings SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, June 2004.
- The Stellar Imager (SI) Vision Mission, Carpenter et al., in Proceedings SPIE meeting in Orlando, FL, May 2006.
- Dynamos, Asteroseismology, and the Stellar Imager, Schrijver et al., in Comm. in Asteroseismology, Vol. 148, 2006.
- Direct UV/Optical Imaging of Stellar Surfaces: The Stellar Imager (SI) Vision Mission, Carpenter et al., in Proceedings SPIE meeting in San Diego, CA, August 2007.
- The Stellar Imager (SI) Project: A Deep Space UV/Optical Interferometer (UVOI) to Observe the Universe at 0.1 Milli-arcsec Angular Resolution, Carpenter et al., 2008, preprint of article in proceedings of NUVA Meeting, El Escorial, Spain, May 2007.
Fizeau Interferometer Testbed (FIT) publications (PDF)
- The Fizeau Interferometer Testbed, Zhang et al., in Proceedings IEEE Aerospace Conference 2003, in Big Sky, Montana.
- Building the Fizeau Interferometry Testbed, Lyon et al., in Proceedings IEEE Aerospace Conference 2004, in Big Sky, Montana.
- The Fizeau Interferometry Testbed (FIT): Developing and Testing the Technologies Needed for Space-Based Interferometric Systems, Mazzuca et al., in Proceedings SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, June, 2004.
- Fabrication and Characterization of The Fizeau Interferometer Testbed, Petrone et al., in Proceedings of SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, June, 2004.
- Fizeau Interferometry Testbed: Wavefront Control, Lyon et al., in Proceedings of SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, June, 2004.
Stellar Imager presentations (PDF; PPT provided on request)
- Initial Presentation to GSFC and NASA-HQ in March, 2000.
- Poster presented at the June, 2000 AAS Meeting in Rochester, NY.
- Poster presented at the September, 2000 NEVEC Interferometry Summer School in Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Presentation at NASA HQ Lunchtime Seminar on 10/18/00: Understanding the Stellar Dynamo.
- Solar/Stellar Variations, and Their Impact on Life and the Habitability of Planets :The Science of the Stellar Imager
- Poster presented at January 2001 AAS Meeting in San Diego, CA.
- Presentation at 36th Liege Astrophysical Colloquium (July 2001).
- Poster presented at the 12th Cool Stars Workshop in Boulder, CO (August 2001).
- Presentation at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA (March 200.2
- Poster presented at the Hubble Science Legacy Meeting in Chicago, IL (April 2002).
- Presentation at the SPIE meeting in Waikoloa, Hawaii (August 2002).
- Presentation at the Space Technology 9 New Millenium Workshop (February 2003).
- Presentation at the SPIE meeting in Glasgow, Scotland (June 2004.
- Presentation to the Origins/SEU Advisory Sub-Committees in College Park, MD (November, 2004).
- Presentation to the Universe Roadmap Committee in Greenbelt, MD (March, 2005).
- Presentation to MSFC (July, 2005).
- Presentation at the SPIE meeting in Orlando, FL (May 2006).
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